Monday, November 28, 2011

Fallout 4 Speculations: 5 Cities/Regions Fallout 4 Should Visit

Finally, we have reached number one on my top five cities/regions that Fallout 4 should visit. Before I head on out, I'll briefly recap the top four. Number five was Moscow, chosen for it's unique Russian architecture and because of the limited (but vivid) scope of Metro 2033 that Bethesda could expand on. New York was number four because of it's prestige and it's potential to reach new heights for open world gaming. At number three, we had the Middle East, chosen for it's infamous deserts which provide an original twist to the post apocalyptic genre. China was number two because it has been a focus throughout the Fallout series and it contains old, rural environments as well as enormous metropolises. Number one on my countdown is:

European Commonwealth

The European Commonwealth in Fallout is equivalent to the real-life European Union. The reason I chose Europe, aside from it's rich history and art, is because it is the most plausible candidate in terms of places outside North America that would work with Fallout. I must admit that a game taking place in China or the Middle East would be very unlikely, just because there are so many factors that Bethesda would have to consider (the massive cultural differences for example). However, the European Commonwealth seems like a compromise; it is not too culturally distant from America and it would also provide an excellent change in environment. Europe's condensed size would permit the player to traverse across entire countries (just to give you an idea, France is smaller than Texas). This will allow us to see innumerable cultural landmarks, something which was absent in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. The sheer variety of European architecture would also be featured; from the Gothic-revival architecture of England to the quaint Renaissance structures of Italy (Can you even imagine a post-apocalyptic Venice?). Europe has been relatively untouched in the post apocalyptic genre, making it a prime choice for Fallout 4.

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